lundi 21 avril 2014

Angel amongst the angels

My dear followers I would like to express to you how much you mean to me and would like to wish you a wonderful Easter Monday. Yesterday morning at 4:19am I witnessed my four legged companion Angel's last breath. She held on to her physical body for as long as she could and left very peacefully in the comfort of our country house with me lying beside her and candles light all arround us. Accompanying her through this passage has been the most wonderful experience ever. Although I am going through ups and downs right now I was really strong and kept a serein and happy energy throughout every stage of her death to support her like I felt was right. She guided me in her needs and desires and we danced through it. I am so proud of her. When she took her last breath her face lite up and her ears went up in a 'v' shape that gave her the look of a young pup. Her eyes were big and round as if she saw a trailer full of steaks and liver for feast time! My Angel is now with the other angels and is with us in our hearts.
