vendredi 26 juillet 2013
The week-end is finally here !
a beautiful FRIDAY!!!! The sun is out! My toe still hurts a lot. I am
taking advil to reduce the swelling and am being nursed by Jay! I pay
him with nasty blow jobs like in this video.... that's all I can mange to do! If I try
to have sex or even masturbate my heart rate increases and I feel as
if it's in my toe!!
I should have Jay wear my nurse outfit! For those of you who don't
know my nurse outfit check out this video:
morning my toe still hurts badly! I'm in poor condition to do cam
shows. I will rest with the leg flat because when my foot is on the
ground my heart pounds in my toe! I'll move our '1 Hour Show ' to
Sunday morning to give me the time to heal. We will broadcast the
show from our country house and will broadcast from outside if the
weather allows.
we are having friends over for dinner. A good BBQ in good company
will do me good! I miss you and I am VERY looking forward to seeing
you all soon! Start the weekend in style with a good orgasm!
Prescription from Doctor Bianca! XoX
matin mon orteil me fait encore très mal! Je prends des advils et je me fait chouchouter par Jay, je le paie bien sûr avec des bonnes pipes, comme dans ce vidéo. Je suis un peu mal en
point pour faire des shows de cam. Je vais me reposer avec la jambe à
plat car quand mon pieds et par terre mon coeur bat très fort dans
mon orteil! Je vais déplacer notre '1 Hour Show' à dimanche matin
pour me donner le temps de bien guérir. Nous diffuser le show de
notre maison de campagne et si la température et mon orteil le
permettent nous serons à l'extérieur!
soir nous recevons des amis pour souper. Un bon BBQ en bonne
compagnie va faire du bien à mon moral! Je m'ennuie de vous et j'ai
TRÈS hâte de vous voir! Commencez le week-end en beauté avec un
bon orgasme! Prescription de Docteure Bianca! XoX
mercredi 24 juillet 2013
mardi 23 juillet 2013
On the Road
what an emotion filled day we had yesterday! We did all the rides at
least two times. When we arrived at our friends house in the evening
I had an overload of energy and I raped Jay! He did not even have a
word to say except 'haaaaaaaaa' when he came in my ass. Hmmmm anal
pleasure .... It deserves to be discovered by all!
we return to Quebec. On our way we will stop at Trois-Rivières for
some Go-Kart. Also while Jay will go to dinner I have a sub that
lives in that area who wants an hour of domination with Mistress
Bianca. Why not combine business with pleasure? Hihi This is a funny
change of context but it is common practice for us! Do I have to
repeat it .... We love the extreme!
quelle journée remplit d’émotion hier! Nous avons fait tous les
manèges au moins 2 fois. En arrivant chez nos amis j’avais une
surcharge d’énergie et j’ai violé Jay! Il n’a même pas eu un
mot à dire sauf ‘haaaaaaaaa’ quand il a jouit dans mon cul.
Hummmm le plaisir anal…. Il gagne à être découvert par tous!
nous retournons à Québec. En route nous allons arrêter à
Trois-Rivière fait du Go-Kart. Aussi pendant que Jay ira au
restaurant j’ai un soumis qui habite dans ce coin qui veut une
heure de domination avec Maîtress Bianca. Pourquoi ne pas joindre
l’utile à l’agréable? Hihi C’est une drôle de changement de
contexte mais c’est pratique courante pour nous! Dois-je vous le
répéter…. Nous aimons les extrêmes!
jeudi 18 juillet 2013
vendredi 12 juillet 2013
Cum and see me NOW !!!!
I'm live
right now HERE !! I'm on for the next hour and gonna give you one heck
of a show... I'm feeling great and I'm in an awesome shape! Don't
miss it, your gonna regret it!
What a wonderful World * Que la vie est Belle !!!!
We are back
from the « Lake of the thirty-one-miles » to see our
friend Serge. He is a fishing guide there. It's thanks to him that we
discovered this majestic lake last summer.
Here is the
link to his guide services:
Here is the
beautiful grey trout that we caught together last summer.
I'll give
you some news, pictures and videos from our trip very soon!
Bianca xx
journée hier qui c'est terminée en beauté avec mon amoureux qui
m'a fait l'amour oral jusqu'aux petites heures du matin! C'est pas
moins de trois heures après avoir entrepris ces démarches sexuelles
avec moi qu'il m'a permis de touche à sa queue. Il m'A tellement
fait languir que quand j'ai jouit j'ai frémit des tout mes membres
et j'ai versé des larmes de bonheur! Ohhhhhh comment j'ai envie de
la partager avec d'autre mon tendre mec, il est tellement bon avec sa
bouche, ses doigts et son joli membre inférieur! A notre retour de
vacances de pêche j'ai bien envie de nous organiser un party
libertin afin de le voir à l'oeuvre avec d'autres.
semaine, nous revenons du le lac des trente-et-un-miles, voir notre
ami Serge. Il est guide de pêche là-bas. C'est lui qui nous a fait
découvrir ce lac majestueux l'été dernier.
Voici le
lien pour ses services de guide:
Voici la
belle truite grise que nous avons pris ensemble l'été dernier.
Je vous en
donne des nouvelles du voyage de cette année très bientôt!
Bianca xx
Who's That Girl?: The big O
I wanted to share this post from a blog I found yesterday evening ! I love the way she's write ! I hope you will enjoy to read it as I did !
Who's That Girl?: The big O: Let's talk about boys in the sack. From age and experience it has become apparent to me that men generally get better at sex the older they get, call it learning from experience maybe? I don't know but what I do know is that the quality of sex I'm getting now I so much ridiculously better than that I had in my late teens and early twenties.
Who's That Girl?: The big O: Let's talk about boys in the sack. From age and experience it has become apparent to me that men generally get better at sex the older they get, call it learning from experience maybe? I don't know but what I do know is that the quality of sex I'm getting now I so much ridiculously better than that I had in my late teens and early twenties.
Let's start at the beginning. I Lost my
virginity about a week after my 16th birthday. His name was Cavan and
I utterly adored him. We'd been fool around Friday buddies for a
couple of years and there was no one I wanted to pop my cherry more
than him.
Of course it was a disappointment. We
did it in a bunk bed in his bedroom listening to Stan by Eminem and
before the song had finished so had he. No fireworks, no orgasms (yes
I had given myself plenty by this age and knew full well what they
were) none of that romantic sex they have in movies, just a quick
tumble and that was that. Somehow we ended up falling out straight
after and never really spoke again.
I was with a couple of boys after that,
none to write home about mind. The similar pattern that emerged
from all of them? They didn't even put an effort into making me come.
And I don't actually think I got head of anyone till a good 2 years
What's all that about? What is it about
teenage boys that makes them so utterly selfish? They're happy to
take take take but hardly ever give back.
I remember attempting blow jobs
straight off the bat, I'm a pleaser me it makes me happy to make
others happy and though I had a few mishaps (including laughing
whilst BJing and biting his cock, oops) my technique improved over
time and I became a bit of an expert.
Yes I had sex in wild places,
particularly when I worked in Majorca (hello swimming pool and the
roof of the villa) but with it never came great orgasms. Praise the
lord for self love.
Sex with S was ok I guess but he never
really lasted very long, which towards the end when I didn't actually
want to have sex with him came in handy. Knowing someone is cheating
on you and disrespects you kinda does that to a girl.
So after S and I broke up, I had a
sexual revelation. I woke up one day to find the sex drive of my 19
year old self before I met him had some how returned. I was revenous
and boy did I make use of my newly found single freedom.
What I discovered right away? During
the 6 years I'd been bolted down in a long term relationship men kind
had apparently discovered the clitoris. Amazing. Not only were they
willing to give back, they were also falling over themselves to give
head and they LOVED it.
Ok so not all boys have the gift of
being able to make a woman come without hours of effort. I'm aware
that it isn't easy but neither is making a guy come you've just got
to refine your technique and give it all you have. NOTHING feels
better to me than the achievement of making someone else orgasm. It's
amazing I love it.
One of the main reasons I dumped
Rebound Boy and College Boy was that they could rarely ever get me
there. And in fact it got to a stage were they expected me to do it
myself. Which ain't on!
But for the most part, the majority of
experiences I've had this past 18 months have been awesome. Orgasms
galore. I'm glad you boys have finally decided to start giving back,
long may it continue.
Posted by Eve
jeudi 11 juillet 2013
KinkyFrenchies's Live Cam
Aujourd'hui il fait beau soleil et ça me donne envie de me faire bronzer nue!
Comme promis, je serai en cam pour m'amuser avec vous tous. Je veux
avoir de géants orgasmes et gicler partout. Jay sera disponible pour
des spectacles avec moi cet après-midi et j'ai bien l'intention de
lui faire une gorge profonde et avoir son foutre dans mon visage et
dans ma bouche. Je veux avoir un visage collant comme dans cette
CHOCHON ensemble!
Super sunny
today makes me wanna tan naked!! As promised I will be on cam to have
kinky fun with you all. I wanna have huge orgasms and squirt all over
the place. Jay will be available for shows with me this afternoon and
I definitely plan to deep throat his cock and have a couple yummy cum
shots in my face and mouth. I wanna have a sticky face just like in
this video:
Let’s get
NASTY together!!!
mercredi 10 juillet 2013
Next week Fun live !!!!!
Bonsoir à tous!
Nous avons un spectacle (en personne) avec un membre la semaine prochaine et je suis vraiment excitée à l'idée de lui gicler mon squirt au visage! Je pourrais même l'installer sur le sol sous Jay et moi pour qu'il puisse attraper tout le fluides de la félation gorge profonde que je ferai à mon amoureux.A bientôt!! KinkyB xox
Good evening everyone! We have a live (in person) show booked with a member next week and I am REALLY turned on at the idea of splashing my squirt in his faced! I might even lay him down on the ground under Jay & I so he can catch the spunk from my sloppy blow job!
See you soon!!!!! KinkyB xox
lundi 8 juillet 2013
Bianca and Jay are back in town !
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