Who's That Girl?: The big O: Let's talk about boys in the sack. From age and experience it has become apparent to me that men generally get better at sex the older they get, call it learning from experience maybe? I don't know but what I do know is that the quality of sex I'm getting now I so much ridiculously better than that I had in my late teens and early twenties.
Let's start at the beginning. I Lost my
virginity about a week after my 16th birthday. His name was Cavan and
I utterly adored him. We'd been fool around Friday buddies for a
couple of years and there was no one I wanted to pop my cherry more
than him.
Of course it was a disappointment. We
did it in a bunk bed in his bedroom listening to Stan by Eminem and
before the song had finished so had he. No fireworks, no orgasms (yes
I had given myself plenty by this age and knew full well what they
were) none of that romantic sex they have in movies, just a quick
tumble and that was that. Somehow we ended up falling out straight
after and never really spoke again.
I was with a couple of boys after that,
none to write home about mind. The similar pattern that emerged
from all of them? They didn't even put an effort into making me come.
And I don't actually think I got head of anyone till a good 2 years
What's all that about? What is it about
teenage boys that makes them so utterly selfish? They're happy to
take take take but hardly ever give back.
I remember attempting blow jobs
straight off the bat, I'm a pleaser me it makes me happy to make
others happy and though I had a few mishaps (including laughing
whilst BJing and biting his cock, oops) my technique improved over
time and I became a bit of an expert.
Yes I had sex in wild places,
particularly when I worked in Majorca (hello swimming pool and the
roof of the villa) but with it never came great orgasms. Praise the
lord for self love.
Sex with S was ok I guess but he never
really lasted very long, which towards the end when I didn't actually
want to have sex with him came in handy. Knowing someone is cheating
on you and disrespects you kinda does that to a girl.
So after S and I broke up, I had a
sexual revelation. I woke up one day to find the sex drive of my 19
year old self before I met him had some how returned. I was revenous
and boy did I make use of my newly found single freedom.
What I discovered right away? During
the 6 years I'd been bolted down in a long term relationship men kind
had apparently discovered the clitoris. Amazing. Not only were they
willing to give back, they were also falling over themselves to give
head and they LOVED it.
Ok so not all boys have the gift of
being able to make a woman come without hours of effort. I'm aware
that it isn't easy but neither is making a guy come you've just got
to refine your technique and give it all you have. NOTHING feels
better to me than the achievement of making someone else orgasm. It's
amazing I love it.
One of the main reasons I dumped
Rebound Boy and College Boy was that they could rarely ever get me
there. And in fact it got to a stage were they expected me to do it
myself. Which ain't on!
But for the most part, the majority of
experiences I've had this past 18 months have been awesome. Orgasms
galore. I'm glad you boys have finally decided to start giving back,
long may it continue.
Posted by Eve
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